Friday, October 9, 2009

Recipe Exchange

Our recipe exchange group will have a tasting table at super saturday in place of it's regular evening meeting for the month of Nov. We are asking sisters to bring a sample of their favorite holiday treat and the recipe to share! If you haven't been to a recipe exchange activity yet you are missing out! It is a GREAT way to be able to taste new things and get some recipes that your family will enjoy!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gift Tags

There is no charge for this class, but if you have extra scraps of paper or ribbon feel free to bring them!

Hairbow #2

Supply List:

- 3/8" wide ribbon
- Needle
- Thread
- Button or jewel
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors

Hairbow # 1

Supply List:
- 7/8" wide ribbon
- 3/8" wide ribbon
- Needle
- Thread
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors

Hairbow Demonstration

Sister Spence will be giving a demo on how to make these bows at home!


For some weird reason this pic keeps uploading sideways! Turn your head to get full effect of the cuteness of these aprons! Sorry, Sisters!

Fabric will be available in a variety of colors and patterns. If you would like to bring your own supplies you will need a piece of upholstery fabric 32"x26" and double fold bias tape. (Either 1/4" or 1/2" is fine.) If you bring your own supplies there will be no charge for the class. If you would like the supplies provided there will be a $5.00 charge for the supplies. You may pay at the class. If you have questions contact Jennifer Tolman @ 461-7447

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Recipe Board

Magnetic Recipe board
*Please bring a piece of 12x12 scrapbook paper that matches your kitchen decor*